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Number of posted reviews : 2200

RSS Disco MOVIDA Reviews for the disco >>> MOVIDA <<<
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tag events presenta 'il ritorno della magica triade'.
09/08/2008 c/o forte marghera - mestre(ve)

main room : fabrice , a. gemolotto, leo mas.

privè oldskool 'movida chiama italia' (underground sounds 89/93) : g vianello (movida).

apertura ore 22 - ingresso 15€
direzione artistica: rikkitag 393-4035666

info & public relations :
-cico (ve) 338-7106906
-fede (vr) 348-4402464
-gianluca v (ve) 347-2350706
-giuditta (ve) 393-7881657
-max (vi) 347-2228717
-ross (ts) 329-7435559
-sabri (ud) 347-7169510
-seba (ve) 328-0668500
Fede VR

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Number of italian Disco in the Ye@@h Pl@net database: 1242